Established in 1910, Buckingham Rowing Club has always been one of the premier rowing clubs of Tasmania with an enviable tradition of success nationally and internationally in both male and female events from junior rowing through to the very popular veteran events. The Buckingham Rowing Club spirit is what has driven this success for nearly 100 years and this spirit will propel our crews onto the podium throughout the 21st century and beyond.Buck’s clubhouse walls are covered with oars, trophy cabinets and photographs showing our crews going back to the early years of the last century.
Buck’s has proudly and successfully been represented in the sport of rowing by its members at club, state, national and at the international level.Besides catering for the elite athlete, Buck’s has always maintained a strong link with the wider the community. This is evident in its regular Learn-to-Row programs targeting more senior members of the community promoting healthy outdoor activity. Junior rowing has also played a major part in the success of the club. In the past decade Buckingham’s junior programs have included students from as many as 20 local schools and colleges.